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 卷 数:  16开3卷
 定 价:  1580元
 优惠价:  880元         我要订购

编 号: WS322






总目录 Main content
第1册 Album 1
01广西 Guangxi
02广东 Guangdong
03海南 Hainan
04贵州 Guizhou
05云南 Yunnan
06四川 Sichuan

第2册 Album 2
07西藏 Tibet
08新疆 Xinjiang
09甘肃 Gansu
10青海 Qinghai
11宁夏 Ningxia
12陕西 Shanxi
13重庆 Chongqing
14湖南 Hunan
15湖北 Hubei
16河南 Henan

第3册 Album 3
17山西 Shanxi
18内蒙古 Inner Mongolia
19黑龙江 Heilongjiang
20吉林 Jilin
21辽宁 Liaoning
22天津 Tianjin
23山东 Shandong
24江苏 Jiangsu
25上海 Shanghai
26安徽 Anhui
27浙江 Zhejiang
28福建 Fujian
29江西 Jiangxi
30河北 Hebei
31北京 Beijing


阿纲的作品,目前在很多网站都有转贴,点击总量已超过三百万之多。有网友这样评论道:“先是自己看,然后让妻子看,最后打算让孩子也一起看” ……很多读者,都因为能在这里找到自己过去的影子而感动。为久违的、心底深埋的情结而感动!

The brief introduction of the book:
The author Agang, started his journey in September of 2005. During his 500 days’ tough journey, he has gone through 31 provinces of China and taken more than 10 thousands photos(3240 chosen photos)and written over 170 thousands words as well.
Providing a lot of information about unknown geography, landscapes as well as humanities, this book can be a good travel guide for people to tour those places with original cultures and customers. At the same time, it can give lots of reference to the photographers, because the large photos in this book all reserve the original dates of photographing.
In addition, the most value part of this book lays in that the author hold the transcendent idea of “when taking photography, freedom can be got if one do not take photographing as a kind of art.” He took a lot of photos, which reflect the honesty, the kindness as well as the beauty of Chinese people. The rich photos with humorous or sharp words give readers a wonderful reading experience, that is, they can feel the uncover trueness and unfettered freedom of those places and those people.
The 500-day journey is a very tough one; the author and his team have overcome numerous difficulties and frustrations. Actually, it is a journey only people who have confidence and courage can make it. The author of this book,deviated from the mainstream values in order to break the traditional value bound in people’s mind.
The over 3000 photos were picked up from the total 10 thousands. And each of these photos has its own unique story and can reflect something, for instance, the blaze of humanity and wisdom of life. When reading it, one can not only enjoy the beautiful scenery of China but also can benefit from the sprits included in it.
The author’s Blog is very popular on the Internet with total clicks of more than 3 million. One of the netizens says like that,” touched by Agang’s work very much, I plan to share it with my wife and children.”…So many readers recall their old lives when reading Agang’s work. They are touched by those past feelings a lot.
There are three books in all with big 12k, the color printing as well as 612 Coated Paper, this book is bound very well. And with Chinese and English versions together, it can be well understood by Chinese and foreigners. So it can be a book for permanent collection and repeat reading. This book records a lot of information about the history and culture of China from 2006 to 2007. From the pre-photographing to the last publication, it spent 3 years to finish the book. With the large scope of its filming and the great amount of information it contains, this book is unprecedented. These elements will become more and more precious with the time passing by.



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